Watercolor Classes Placerville Vanda Lavar $150 wed 10 to 12

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Watercolor Classes Placerville Vanda Lavar $150 wed 10 to 12


Monthly Lessons / Botanical Illustration / Flora and Fauna and Naturescapes in WATERCOLOR, with Prof Vanda Lavar.
$150 ~ 1200 Pinecrest Court, Placerville
Text or Call 415 939 8604 for details. (No Voicemails)
Try first class for $35, if you decide to enroll, your balance will be prorated.
3 classes are guaranteed in a month, but as a bonus on most months, we will have another class held in El Dorado. You may also purchase on my website at
www.paintwithv.net GIFT CERTIFICATES are available.

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